Lakehouse Sheboygan Blogs

The Essential Guide To Winter Skin Care For Seniors

Written by Discovery Senior Living | Apr 1, 2024 12:22:53 PM

The cold season can be harsh, especially on your skin. Winter skin care for seniors involves more than just keeping warm. When temperatures drop, the air becomes drier and your skin may start feeling tight, flaky or even painful. Effective winter skincare means shielding it from the brunt of cold winds and dry air, preserving its moisture and maintaining that summer glow even amidst the frost. It's about using the right products, forming the right habits and making small but significant lifestyle changes to keep your skin radiating healthy, whatever the weather may be.

Moisturize Daily with Thick Creams to Combat Dry Winter Air

In winter, the air loses moisture and so can our skin. Using thick creams is essential for keeping the skin hydrated. Opt for ointments rich in oils and butter, which create a protective layer, sealing in moisture better than lotions.

Applying cream right after a shower ensures you lock in the moisture. Your hands and face will need extra attention as they are often exposed. Keep a tube of cream near you and use it throughout the day.

Stay Hydrated Inside Out by Drinking Plenty of Water

While applying creams is vital, skin care goes deeper than the surface. Drinking water is just as important in winter as it is in summer. Aim for at least eight glasses a day to maintain your hydration levels.

Well-hydrated skin is less likely to dry out and become irritated. Remember, if you feel thirsty, your skin is already feeling dehydrated. Carry a water bottle and make a habit of sipping throughout the day.

Use a Humidifier in Living Spaces to Add Moisture Back

Services and amenities in retirement communities like heating systems warm us up and also strip moisture from the air. Adding a humidifier to your living space puts moisture back into the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out.

Positioning a humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep can be particularly beneficial. Your skin will have a better chance of recovering from the day’s dry air. Also, ensure the water in the device is clean to keep the air fresh and beneficial.

Protect Skin with Sunscreen Even on Cloudy Winter Days

The importance of sun protection extends beyond the summer months. Even during winter, UV rays can pose a significant risk to exposed skin. Applying sunscreen should become a daily habit, irrespective of cloud cover.

Selecting a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 is crucial. For active adults who enjoy daily activities outdoors, sunscreen not only shields the skin but also mitigates the risk of enduring damage. Reapplication every two hours, or more frequently if perspiring, ensures continual protection against harmful UV radiation. By prioritizing sun safety year-round, individuals can safeguard their skin's health and minimize the risk of long-term damage.

Reach out today to learn how our retirement community can help keep your skin—as well as the rest of your life—full of vitality and comfort this winter and beyond.